Interbet Betting App
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Savvy Saver Cashback Program

5% Cashback

Savvy Saver Cash Back

All account holders will begin their SavvySaver journey on Interbet earning SavvySaver points from the first bet.

Start earning Savvy Saver points from day 1! Earn points automatically credited to your SavvySaver account every week!

How To Earn Points?

From your very first real money bet on Casino, Spin games, Numbers and Sports you will start earning SavvySaver points. Here's how it works:

  • Each week, we'll review your betting activity from Monday to Sunday.
  • If you have a net loss with real money during the week (Monday to Sunday), we'll automatically add 5% cashback of that loss to your SavvySaver account.
  • Cashback will be credited to your SavvySaver account every Wednesday (or the next business day if it's a public holiday).
  • You must have a SavvySaver account to participate in earning points when betting on Interbet. The more you bet, the more you earn!
  • SavvySaver points will be credited automatically to your SavvySaver account every week.

Points Earned

  • Savvy Saver Points will only accumulate pending the outcome of the bets you place.


  • The SavvySaver program is available exclusively to leisure punters with a SavvySaver account.
  • Bookmakers and professional punters are excluded.
  • Management reserves the right to determine the status of professional punters.

SavvySaver Points Redemption

  • Your SavvySaver Points will be automatically credited to your SavvySaver account every Wednesday (or the next business day if it's a public holiday).